Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas Pt.2

The Feelings of the Holiday Season

     Starting of the month of December, we feel that Christmas is very important to us and it’s very close by. Have you ever thought about Christmas? We feel the holiday season has begun to rise and drift our lives with peace and even singing the Christmas carol around the neighborhood. We understand that this is the month of peace and joy.
      Christmas is the most peaceful month. Every year, we bring gifts and joy to our beloved neighbor and friends. We always celebrate this day for the reunion of our friends, family, loved ones, and most importantly, ourselves. Sharing is one thing that we know about and we always share it to them. We feel that this is going to be a happy day for us to all.
     Can you smell the Christmas in the air? Or it’s just the roasted poultry you smelt it? Of course, we are the servants of the Lord. We bare gifts to Him for our love and suffering. We prepare food for Him because it was His day. And most important part of the season, it’s the blessing that the Lord given to us. We thank Him for the suffering He makes for us and I thank Him for that. This is the celebration we all known from mankind.


  1. Oh, well done. Merry Christmas to you my friend.

  2. Amazing! What a nice holiday feelings of yours. I hope that your always be like that not only in a holiday season but everyday that you live. merry Christmas.

  3. Merry Christmas! God Bless You!..........

  4. hi there! merry christmas and advance happy new year! may you have a prosperous life this 2016. God bless!
