Tuesday, December 22, 2015

GSG - Crash Tag Team Racing

Crash Tag Team Racing

Do you remember Crash Bandicoot? Then your childhood is awesome. Years of making this game and this franchise is dead. Damn Naughty Dog...Why did you abandon Crash Bandicoot?! 

What's your first Crash Bandicoot game you played? Mine was CTTR. CTTR is very cool to play for me. This was my very first game to play on my PS2. This game is very easy to play. Cars will merge to an another car, one is the driver, one is the shooter. There are many missions to accomplish but very easy, you can enter the park and roam and hit all the NPC's you encounter, there are lot's of funny cutscenes to reveal and to watch. Also there are minigames to play. I notice this game is very incomplete....maybe because there are few characters, less racing circuits to play, and very easy to play hard mode. So I recommend to the gamers who want to play vehicular combat + racing + platform with ease.

There's a beta version of this game. Few of them are unused and changed. Click here to watch the beta version.

Post a comment pls.

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