Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas Pt.2

The Feelings of the Holiday Season

     Starting of the month of December, we feel that Christmas is very important to us and it’s very close by. Have you ever thought about Christmas? We feel the holiday season has begun to rise and drift our lives with peace and even singing the Christmas carol around the neighborhood. We understand that this is the month of peace and joy.
      Christmas is the most peaceful month. Every year, we bring gifts and joy to our beloved neighbor and friends. We always celebrate this day for the reunion of our friends, family, loved ones, and most importantly, ourselves. Sharing is one thing that we know about and we always share it to them. We feel that this is going to be a happy day for us to all.
     Can you smell the Christmas in the air? Or it’s just the roasted poultry you smelt it? Of course, we are the servants of the Lord. We bare gifts to Him for our love and suffering. We prepare food for Him because it was His day. And most important part of the season, it’s the blessing that the Lord given to us. We thank Him for the suffering He makes for us and I thank Him for that. This is the celebration we all known from mankind.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all! Sorry for the delay because I'm too busy of my life. There are many things to do. I have exams, taping for my project and study for my exams. I'm so tired of this life but it's worth it.

I have something for you to watch. It's here and Merry Christmas to all!

GSG - Crash Tag Team Racing

Crash Tag Team Racing

Do you remember Crash Bandicoot? Then your childhood is awesome. Years of making this game and this franchise is dead. Damn Naughty Dog...Why did you abandon Crash Bandicoot?! 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

G.S.G. - Persona 3

Persona 3 FES/Persona 3 Portable

This was my fave RPG! I just discovered this game this year when I need a new RPG game. When I searched for the top RPG games, I found this from being No.1 game ever. So I searched the iso PSP file (I choose the PSP because my PS2 emulator in my PC is very slow to run the game) and I download it. I thought it was just a ordinary RPG game. But when I played the game, something's different about this that it relates my life when I played it. I've been thinking that this is going to get in my head.

When I progress the game, I noticed that I will go the school with Yukari and other characters. I also need to study everyday to increase my Academics and all of my status and for the exams. It even gives you a history of Japan Culture too! Sometimes all other subjects are weird or doesn't make sense at all. When the exams are over or I don't have time to study, I will go to Gekkoukan High School (A.K.A. Tartarus) at midnight to level up my comrades and kick some Shadow's butts. Every time I study, it moves my body to study for my life and my future. I think that this going to change my life. When I talk to the NPC's in other places, there's a chance that it will trigger a Social Link. SL roles to bond and mingle with your friends. There are SL that needs to be triggered in the following day. Maybe SL can relate to my Social Life because when I was a child, I don't have any friends because I don't want to mingle with them... But now, I played this, I have friends. There are sometimes have a funny scenes that are very corny to listen just like Shuji! That was an engine-ous move! Really Shuji!? Yup! this is going to be good.

Lots of days has been consumed after I played this game. I finally get to the the final boss battle. At the top of the Tartarus, this boss battle is going to be time consuming but worth it that I finally let Nyx to be the Death Arcana. Damn Nyx is strong but it's going to be a worth while.

Yes! I beat the game and I load my complete save data and I will select the Male character again and this time, I'm going to defeat Margaret, She's super strong and her move set is very powerful even a spell called Megidolaon! It's going to be a one hit delete for me! I gave up on her! I can't beat her. There is a door called Heaven's Door. It's a ten floor dungeon with 90+ shadows to fight with. Only available in New Game+!

I thank this game and Atlus for my life! It changes myself, my social life, and my studies! If I never played this, my future and my social life will be ruined. So I thank you Atlus!

If you want to play Persona 3 FES/Portable, search it on the internet for yourself!

P.S. If Gekkoukan High School did exist in this world, what would you do?enroll there?