Sunday, November 15, 2015

Welcome to GSG!

Hello there gamers, this is Game Set Go! This is all about games. And all of the pictures that I posted is NOT MINE AT ALL!!! Credits all the owners of this pictures. This blog talks about all games from old consoles to the new consoles. I post all the games that I played or familiar with or all the games you played or familiar with.

Every gamers has its own limits... but everyone can exceed their limits when they play hard and win hard! Gamers must overcome the difficulties by playing the hardest difficulty of the game. Sometimes, gamers must lose and must go all over again to the start. But hey...! you got a save data or savestate right? Right!

This is just the beginning bros and gals! I post weekly or so... I wish you all a good luck to your games and also... PLAY HARD!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

 Persona 3 Portable

Team Fortress 2
Dissidia 012:Duodecim Final Fantasy
Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce